Stan Andresz-Derer & Patri Andresz-Derer

Stan Andresz-Derer

UA  30 years old

Patri Andresz-Derer

HU  32 years old
We are Patri and Stan, two nature lovers who are going to bikepack in Asia for 7-8 months. We have traveled a lot for our own pleasure, and this time we decided to combine pleasure with being productive and hopefully useful. As "Rolling Condoms", we are going to report on environmental issues, on gender equality and reproductive health issues. We will interview local people from different cultures and religions on the way about their views on having kids, family roles and the availability family planning. This will be more than a traveler blog since it is not only going to share our own stories, but stories of people we meet on the way. Follow us for the interviews we make, stories we tell about social and reproductive health and nature !

Bikepacking Fortnight, Part 2

July 2018  •  3 days

3 bike junkies on the way though Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Germany - 14 days 1000 km